Lila Las Vegas!!
That was the theme for our appreciation night. It was used to be called Dinner and Dance` but you know la ah... recession.. they only change the theme.. but actually their reserves are full of money -.-
It started off with a rather sleazy feeling. A group of four girls clad in tight fitting bikinis came on stage and started flaunting their errr... assets? Thank god there were only but one child..that was my colleague's lil baby. Lotsa female guests were covering their partner's eyes ever consistently till the dance was over.. haha...
It was a fun night.. the MC, Justin, was simply superb. He was the same MC that me and ain went when we attended for KKH's dinner and dance a year ago. Justin's a hilarious, outgoing, and insane host!! He did not even care if there were VIPs in the house! Which I really do respect his proffesionality. To overcome oneself's fear of public speaking and to fully engage the audience in a frenzy of laughters and joy is simply remarkable. Kudos to Justin~
I was lucky enough to win something at the lucky draw. A digital photo frame... *zzzz* I thot if I won a plasma TV or a laptop, I'll break even the cost of tickets I was forced to spend on the D&D. Digital photo frame!! Costs like what $30~~
All the more, I'm thankful I won something..Syukran.
Been almost a week now since I last blogged!!! Been busy with certain things; work and personal. But all's good... all's good..
I met up with my couzin the other day, he's and insurance agent. I decided to meet up with him, to know more about his work and also to find out more about the insurance coverage plans that he could offer.
I wanted to meet him, partially was to find out if the job was interesting, wanting to broaden my options if I were to quit my current job in the future. I want to have something to fall back on in case of certain issues like.. recession perhaps! Wth. We're IN recession now goddammit.
So at Jln Kayu, while having our meal, it was after my night shift and I was damn tired. lol. He proposed that I should start an insurance policy. He basically works for AIA, but he stated that he would recommend me other agencies if they proved to be a better choice for me. Cool right?! Not being selfish! Cooolness.
I decided to go with the investment using CPF money, I'm not going let HDB take all my money out when I purchase a flat of my own.
I also meant to tell him more about the side job that I was dealing in. But I held back. Thinking that it was kinda awkward. Hahah.
Maybe I'll try tommorrow.
Btw, a shout to all.
Those who needs their teeth fixed please approach me, I can refer you to Ruqayyah.
Girl dentist u know! hahah~
And for those who needs some sideline job, please contact me? I have vacancies available! =]
Sweet. No work today.
I'm contemplating on whether I should go to the nearest shopping center and get a book to read. On the other hand I could just go to the vid store and rent a movie like I did yesterday.
Been reading others posts on their blogs. Friend of mine has been facing much challenging times as an elder brother. If I were to say that my situation was the worst, I'd be lying to myself, cos I'm sure that there are others who are worse off than mine.
I've three sisters. All younger than I am. I've managed to "keep" the eldest of them girls under "acceptable" conditions you may call it[hahaha]. Meaning, I've played my part as a brother whose father is not in the country all the time, and now, she's getting married in November. Alhamdulillah.
The twins. Are lil more hard to manage. Twins as known to be close. They speak for each other, take care of each other. Cover for each other. Heck, I was ever told that if one feels pain, the other reels too.
But there is one of them who is seen as the family's apple eye. To me she gets most of the freedom, most of the luxury of trust. Perhaps it was something that even under my watchful eye as a brother, I manage not to detect at an early stage.
That is why, now, we have to set things right, make it known to them what is expected of them. And a learning point for me is that- Do not be impartial.
Make it fair to all.
Current curfew for all my sisters would be 10.30 in the night.Any later than that would be shoutings at the door as soon as they enter it.
I hate to be the bad guy in the family. Things has gone so bad that my other two sisters? They don't share things with me. Anything at all!
It's a small price to pay for their safety, I hope that they would realize it when they are all really grown.
I used to hate my dad. Not understanding, and not WANTING to understand why is it that he used to shout and scold at me regularly. It finally occurred to me that he does it for a reason, and that reason, puts me at where I am today.
Inshallah. I hope my sisters will understand one day.
*This post has been saved as in my drafts folder. Was contemplating when was the best time for me to publish this. SO here it is~
Which leads to my next entry.
Latest in:-
The world will face an economic recession.
Have you ever wished that you wanna more out from your normal salary?
Ever wished that you could have more time for your family?-Dont grow bald like me!
I'm starting to dwell on the fact that my life is so much more than just being restricted to doing a certain thing. Perhaps there is the something that each and every one of us are supposed to achieve, but yet to tap on to just yet.
A friend of mine recently recommended me to a job that he claims has rewards and recognition...
How true is it? Let me evaluate it and I'll fill ya guys in.
Rewinding back to last night.
It was 9PM, and my sis was not back home yet. I was not that particular about the time as me and her had come to a consensus that she has to be home by 10.30 . But my mother, apparently stressed at work, and bringing it back home,started nagging about my sister spending too much time with her friend.
10.30 on the dot, she reached home, and guess what? Frenzy broke loose.
My sis got chased out, along with her belongings not to mention with all the yelling.
10 mins passed, my other two sisters decided to find her, they managed to coax her back home, but just to endure with more rantings and shouting from my mother... sheesh.
All those time I was just keeping to myself. I did not want to interfere as she had not violated any of my requests. I told her to be home by 10.30, she did. I appreciated that and I kept to my end of the deal.
I could not longer keep quiet when I was abruptly woken up, by then it was already 1AM. I was told that my sister was chased out of the house again, and that earlier in the toilet she had tried to do something foolish.. and that now they can't find her!
All they knew was that she had gone upstairs..of the flat.
I started to panic, tried not to think of the worst. Without even changing, I went up to the last floor of my flat. Thankfully the twins were there... she was safe. *Phew*
And there I was.. for the next hour or so, talking to my lil sis....
I had just knocked off from work the other day, looking forward to meet a friend of mine in regards to my business at Woodlands. But before that, I'd to send her home first as she was on the same shift as I was. While I was packing up, I received a call, it was her, and she spoke in a hastily manner, angry, and upset at the same time.
When I asked what happened, she said that her sister had been involved in an accident. A bicycle accident to be exact, and that her hands were so badly hurt that she was afraid to go home and meet her parents.
Her sister claimed that she was out earlier, with a guy friend of hers to East Coast Park to have a bicycle ride.
Thing about this guy is that he rides a motorcycle. So we couldn't rule out the fact that he ferries her from one point to another.
When we reached the void deck of her place, there they were, and from far all I could make out the extent of their injuries. Their hands and legs were bloodied all over. Part of her nails, were almost chipped out. The skin on his right forearm was torn off. Raw,meat could be seen. Literally.
First thing my fiance` did was to shout at the guy:
"How did you bring the bicycle huh??Look what you did to my sister now?"- in Malay.
He just had his head down, without saying anything. Angry upon seeing that her sister was in tears and for the fact the the wound had been opened for almost three hours, I put my feelings aside, kept my calm and told both of them to get in the car while I drove them to the nearest hospital.
"It's okaylah, you guys carry on, I'll head back home"-he implied.
By then she had already taken her sister to the car to sit her in.
"No, are in no manner to ride yr motorcycle or go anywhere on your own, let me drive you"
He then replied;
"Err... nolah, its okay, I'll take a cab on my own, I'll meet you guys there"
His insisted requests of going on his own was what made me angry, and his fickle mindedness of not able to make a decision on where to go made me even more fired up.
He's a police officer by the way.
That was when I told him off;
"You'd better get in the damn car right now, first and foremost, you are the cause of this accident, two,you had already abandoned your responsibility to take her to the nearest hospital to get her treated, but instead you came here, and let that wound opened to infection for the past three hours. And NOW, you are telling me you want to leave the shit you caused to me by just leaving? Where is your fucking responsibility?"-I asked in a raised voice.
I could feel that many eyes were on us from the neighboring units of the flat.
Call it stupidity, embarrassment, or pure sua`koo-ness. I told him to get in the car. Which he did with his head drooped down.
It couldn't occur to me that my previous statement made me concur that of his intelligence or maturity when the whole time waiting for treatment in the hospital, he seemed to be more traumatic than her sister. Even when her father reached, he just muttered things that were simply stupid to him.
Instead of apologizing to the father, he mentioned that it was 7 in the evening and that it was a stroke of bad luck that they met. Just say sorry goddammit -.-
By the time I reached home, it was already around 12 midnight. I received a call when I was about to sleep, surprised that it was a message from that guy. He wanted to meet up with me below my void deck to explain certain things. I agreed to it, and set a time up.
The conversation really was a startling one. Simply put it; he had lied basically everything about himself to her sister. Lied to her parents and to everyone he met in the family. And I had no idea why he decided to open up to me.
I wont reveal much in here as I know that there are some from the family that read this, and this is not the way to break the news to them. But I did told him that, he had already jeopardized the whole situation by not guaranteeing her safety, and to further add to his misery, he couldn't explain of his actions.
"You don't have to lie to a person to start a relationship. Once you start lying, you either stick to that lie throughout or you back out. Because once they know that you're not the person they think you are.. they don't know you. And suddenly you're a total stranger to them."
-those were my words to him. Ironically, those were the words of a certain friend of mine long ago to me.
As promised:-
There was an article back in the papers a few days ago which featured a girl in her late teens, who fell from height trying to save her pet cat. It was reported that she spotted a bird on her window ledge, and in bid to prevent her cat from pouncing on the bird, she decided to latch the window. That was when the unfortunate event happened, and made her loose her footing and fall. Just before she slipped.. she shouted for her father.....
I'm wondering how is it that she slipped and fall when most window latches are of chest height, and all it needed was to be within in the safe zone of the room. What was she thinking?
I'm sure that this might prompt the authorities to launch new safety measures to be installed in housing window ledges.. which leads to new charges in conservancy charges...... *sheesh*
Another thought occurred to me that she shouted for her father, and not her mother... weird right? Naturally we will call out for our mother.. a reaction as we're closer to our mother by nature..
Speaking of death.
There are people who superstitiously believe that when a person will leave this world, tends to say certain things that out of the norm; for example shaking hands with everyone in the family and asking for forgiveness, and the next thing you know. You're attending the said person's wake.
Others include people stating that one's eyebrows are dipped and that is another tell-tale sign that he or she is about to leave.
I don't believe in this. But I believe that it is just a matter of sheer coincidence. To whom it may concern, believe in life and death. Accept it as part and parcel of life.
From left:- My mother and her,us.My mother and siblings. Tomatoes anyone?
Truckload full of refugees?
Those were the shots taken off out outing in Sentosa at thy Sky-Ride and Luge.
We left home at around three in the afternoon, and started off visiting Underwater World. We didnt' go in to the aquarium side as it was damn packed with people and furthermore, we weren't there for the fishes. We wanted to just chill off somewhere and celebrate Aisha's birthday.
So we took the free tram, left our cars parked at the lots nearest to Siloso beach, and was heading for the sky-ride and luge as recommended by my sis Naqiah. Thankfully, she brought the brought along the tickets I had gotten from my welfare department which entitled us to discounted prices for the rides. At first we decided on taking the sky ride[the one that you just sit and they take you to the top of the island on a hanging steel bench by rail] but as the tickets which I had, it gave the ticket holder to enjoy BOTH rides. Both rides it was for each of us. Easier to stick together.
Sorry for not providing with any pictures off the sky ride. I was afraid that my phone would drop by just trying to snap one.
So on it was to the luge. It's DAMN fun. To those who have yet to give it a try, I suggest that you it a go. It's something to the go-cart at Escape Theme Park at Pasir Ris? Just that this cart doesn't run on any battery power at all. It just travels downhill using momentum. I'd give it a 4 star rating for thrill =]
We were back at the Underwater World area, wanting to try the fish spa thingy, but were turned down. They claimed that we had to book an appointment to utilise the spa. What the hell, I thought. Who would book an appoinment all the way in Sentosa just to let fish eat your skin calluses?? Might as well I just got to a nearer one that's nearer to the heartlands.
There are the photos taken when the both of us were at the Singapore flyer last year and were at a fish reflexology or fish spa. Kinda ticklish at first, but once you get used to it. It's indeed quite refreshing.
We ended our outdoor activities at the Marina Barrage. Its a man-made dam built near to the mouth of the Singapore River. Basically a dam controls the flow of the water level, which prevents the land from being "over-run" by excess water.
More info on the Marina Barrage.A view of the setting sun at the Marina Barrage.
I brought along my kite that I bought at Toy's R US at Tampines Mall. We attempted to take flight with it. With mother nature;s enticing winds, we thought we would be successful. We were able to have some flight with it at times here and there, but the longest time it was in the air was about 5 mins? Eh, it was a four man team okay. Naqiah at the front, waiting for a good gust of wind before throwing it into the air, followed by me steering it , then Ira "billaying" the string, and Siha the anchor-man[or girl]. Everyone was watching us alright! Watching us with much anxiousness to see our kite soar.
All those came to an abrupt halt when some fella with his imported $500/- kite from the states had to get his kite line stuck in ours. He looks like a pro kite flyer man I tell ya, maybe bcos of the kite lah. But walao, such amateur thinking, was when he purposely pulled OUR kite line just to reach his. And you know what.................. our kite hit some turbulence[turbulence seh], and crash landed... on this
Retarded right.
Never mind. Kite cost me $3.90 only.. price of errr... three prata telor?
Well I'm glad that my kite landed on Eiffel tower. It made the Singapore flyer in the backdrop looks so small like hamster cage.
A cat has nine lives. A human being does not. - Stay tuned to more on this anecdote in my next entry.
Something to perk up my day. Hopefully it ain't too small.
I'll be heading down later to see Cik Iza, the contractor for our catering and deco for our wedding. This will be our second meeting, we met her once at her place in Woodlands, and she seemed honest, and her pricing are quite just? Her package costs roughly around $10K? That includes food[which have been tried and proven to be nice!], decorations for the pelamin[bridal dais] which includes the landscaping and all. DJ, fresh flowers. The list goes on lah I tell ya. It's such a good price to me that she even throws in a Malay tarian[dance]from Tepak Sireh man!How cool is that!! Only thing is, I've already engaged Wak Jai to do the Kompang and the tarian.. But I'm the greedy type. I'll see if I can fit in both for my occasion.
SPEAKING about Wak Jai. I'll save this topic for another day.
If any of you have any recommendations for wedding stuff, do tell me alright.. I'm all ears.